Mallory Rat
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Mallory Rat



Rat Paws This recipe is called Boiled eggs with soldiers Rat Paws
It's a Main Meal
Making this is Easy
Read Mallory's Blog
You will need 2 eggs
1 pinch of salt
1 slice of bread
a little butter
What to do 1. Gently place the eggs in a pan. Cover them with at least 2.5cm (1") of cold water, add a pinch of salt.

2.Bring the water to the boil over a high heat.

3. When the water is almost boiling, gently stir the water to ensure an even heat, taking care not to hit the eggs. Keep the water just boiling.

4. Cook the eggs for however long you need, using the following times as a guide.

3 minutes: Very runny soft boiled yolk and set white
4 minutes: A fairly well set yolk and set white
5 minutes: Hard boiled white and a sticky yolk.
6 minutes: Hard boiled right through.

4. Remove the eggs from the pan with a spoon, place them in egg cups.

5. Butter the bread and cut into fingers or soldiers.

6. Cut the top off the egg and eat with a spoon, and by dunking the soldiers into the egg (unless it is hard boiled of course!)
This is traditional food in Anywhere

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